„Anka i Dominik – svemirski prijatelji“, film naših Frooom-ovaca odnio je pobjedu na Children’s International Film Festival of Wales u kategoriji mladih filmaša i filmašica ispod 18 godina.
Children’s International Film Festivalu u Walesu prikazuje filmove koje su snimili mladi i profesionalci u kategorijama animacije, igranog filma i dokumentarnog filma, a mi smo ponosni što je još jedan film naših polaznika prepoznat i prikazan međunarodnoj publici.
Ovaj kratki film snimljen je u Rijeci 2023. na naprednoj Frooom! filmskoj radionici, a prikazuje djevojčicu Anku koja ima problema s uklapanjem među svoje školske kolege što je dovodi do Dominika, svog novog, ali neobičnog prijatelja.
Za ovo priznanje su zaslužni naši polaznici Laura Kunda Gustavsson (kao Anka), Lun Blečić (kao Dominik), Neva Šakan, Vida Šakan, Anja Peloza, Nina Janežić, Laura Stanišić, Bruna Čepulo, Mia Vukanović, Dominik Velčić, Borna Janežić, Marul Lerga te njihov mentor, filmski autor i pedagog, Veno Mušinović.
Ovo nije prvo priznanje za „Anku i Dominika“. Naime, film je postigao ovaj uspjeh u 2024. te je pozvan ili je bio već prikazan na sljedećim filmskim festivalima:
- Snow Leopard Film Festival (Švedska) 03. studeni 2024. – glavni natjecateljski program
- Mice, Valencia, Španjolska – 13. listopada 2024. – glavni natjecateljski program
- FIFES Comedy film festival, Luka (Hrvatska) – 27. rujna 2024. – glavni natjecateljski program
- Fresh International Film Festival, Limerick, (Ujedinjeno kraljevstvo) – 15. travnja 2024. – glavni natjecateljski program
- KIDS FIRST! Film Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Sjedinjene Američke Države) – 01. ožujka 2024. – glavni natjecateljski program
U 2023. film “Anka i Dominik – svemirski prijatelji” bio je osvojio Glavnu nagradu za najbolji film dječjeg stvaralaštva u Indiji na Kookai Film festivalu.
Osim toga, film je već bio prikazan u San Franciscu gdje je oduševio publiku.
Osvrt na film u američkim medijima:
“Anka And Dominik – Space Friends is absolutely heartwarming to watch! I love how the two main characters show the power of friendship throughout the film.
This film starts off with a young girl named Anka (Laura Kunda Gustavsson), who tries to fit in with her classmates, but they snub and ignore her and make fun of her. As Anka struggles to make friends, an alien named Dominik (Lun Blečić) comes down to Earth and offers to play with her. The two of them have a lot of fun together, and soon Anka asks Dominik to be her friend.
This live action film from Croatia is based around children and close friends. The actors are all elementary school children and they are adorable. In the beginning, Anka is an “outsider” who is ignored and made fun of at school by her classmates, and she is afraid that she can’t make any friends. After she meets Dominik, her mood changes and she becomes so much happier. Their relationship grows rapidly as we watch them play games outside and read books together. One of my favorite scenes is when they are sitting side by side reading and they choreographically change position in unison. Later, they are both coloring something and when they hold up what they were coloring, they have both created half a heart, which they put together to make one heart. It is at this point when the camera shows the librarian watching her and does not see Dominic and we wonder, is Dominik an imaginary friend? It’s sort of irrelevant because his presence serves Anka in bringing out her personal happiness. I love how Dominik comes into Anka’s life just as the bullying by the other classmates is starting to wear thin. I like how Anka and Dominik’s friendship is presented throughout the film. We see how both of them are equally happy to have a new friend, since both are struggling to fit in. I like how, when Dominik arrives at Earth, the first angle you get of him isn’t his face, which adds some mysteriousness. The costumes suit the storyline. Dominik’s antennae stand out, as they show that he clearly is not from Earth. Since the location is mainly the school building and campus, and the main characters are students, they suit the story. The music sets the mood of Anka and Dominik’s friendship. It is light, happy music, which perfectly symbolizes their friendship. There are a few special effects in the beginning of the film, when Dominik arrives on Earth. They are effective, because they show the audience that Dominik is not human. I like the costumes for the film because they remind me of my peers at school. That’s good because that means the costumes resemble what students wear today. My favorite part of the film is when Anka and Dominik meet. When Anka realizes she has a friend, it is very heartwarming. I also love the scene at the end showing Anka and Dominik a little later – older – and they have a fleeting glimpse of each other which makes them both smile.”